Sophia's Balcony Speech, On the New Cycle
In this post, I share Sophia's message on the New Cycle that is starting with new dynamics. I called this frequency and vibrational emanation Sophia's Balcony Speech and illustrated the Goddess Spirit/Creative Consciousness as a lotus above.
We associate the mind with our thinking and mental faculties. But this only completes a part of the picture. Mind is awareness and significantly related to our heart centre. I repeat in every opportunity what our way-showers shared when structuring our Multidimensional Way Studies as a path of mastery and union: "Heart is where the gate of consciousness is." Your heart is your gate, it is your gateway to your inner realms. Therefore it is important to study our soul.
This is why some try to tap into other people's energy fields misusing their powers. Instead of working on themselves and exploring their authentic path and inner wisdom, they run wild with hunter and gatherer psyche and shop for energy and insights from the Cosmos, chasing an external power hub.
It was cleansing on many levels, but it was mainly on the liberation of the minds.
We associate the mind with our thinking and mental faculties. But this only completes a part of the picture. Mind is awareness and significantly related to our heart centre. I repeat in every opportunity what our way-showers shared when structuring our Multidimensional Way Studies as a path of mastery and union: "Heart is where the gate of consciousness is." Your heart is your gate, it is your gateway to your inner realms. Therefore it is important to study our soul.
This is why some try to tap into other people's energy fields misusing their powers. Instead of working on themselves and exploring their authentic path and inner wisdom, they run wild with hunter and gatherer psyche and shop for energy and insights from the Cosmos, chasing an external power hub.
There is a fine line in the alignment, but difficult to miss. The heart is the key. Your heart is your gate. Only then do you connect with your authentic path and true wisdom and study the self with all the potential it holds as a divine being.
Sophia's Balcony Speech was a powerful frequency and vibrational emanation clearing the misconceptions and the fear, and guiding us towards authenticity, true connection and inner power.
Here I share what it tells us. I recommend everyone to try meditating on the content of this message with the "OM sound" or "I am love mantra". Close your meditation, feeling deep gratitude.
Empty space, drag to resize
I sit at the edge of the Cosmos and perceive all life. When you connect with your true essence, you will find the creator's presence within your perception.
Life is made of love.
Honour all life by connecting with your true essence, loving yourself and living up to your full potential as a divine being.
The power that is creating and sustaining all life is within you.
There is a new cycle and a new alignment. The Shift is happening with purification, redesign and expansion of consciousness on all layers.
From emanations, it comes to life and blesses all.
Much gratitude to all our helpers assigned to this task on all layers
Life is made of love.
Honour all life by connecting with your true essence, loving yourself and living up to your full potential as a divine being.
The power that is creating and sustaining all life is within you.
There is a new cycle and a new alignment. The Shift is happening with purification, redesign and expansion of consciousness on all layers.
With our recent channelling, we have emanated the frequencies and vibrations to purify and realign all. Open your heart and allow your higher selves to help you align with your true essence.
Trust yourself and go deep in your connection with yourself. You will find all the wisdom within yourself. Your authenticity and your inner power will lead your way.
You are empowered, loved and compassionately held with our recent channelling.
From emanations, it comes to life and blesses all.
Much gratitude to all our helpers assigned to this task on all layers
Empty space, drag to resize
I will begin to announce our Multidimensional Community Membership. I dream of this membership community as a safe space where we work on ourselves, share, connect, learn and meditate together.
We will focus on aligning with our higher purpose and manifesting our lives in alignment with our true essence, with clarity and connection.
We designed our education system with guidance and assistance from the Ascended Masters to help people explore and embrace their true essence as multidimensional beings.
We are the creators in human presence.
with much love
Nusra Sahin
Founder & Teacher
School of Multidimensional Consciousness®
We will focus on aligning with our higher purpose and manifesting our lives in alignment with our true essence, with clarity and connection.
We designed our education system with guidance and assistance from the Ascended Masters to help people explore and embrace their true essence as multidimensional beings.
We are the creators in human presence.
with much love
Nusra Sahin
Founder & Teacher
School of Multidimensional Consciousness®

2 Lowther Rd
N7 8PX
N7 8PX
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