School of Multidimensional Consciousness®

leading the new way to multidimensional mastery

Greetings and Welcome,

I am Nusra Sahin, author of the book 'Multidimensional Consciousness and the New Earth,' and the developer of the Multidimensional Way® as a system that enables people awaken their multidimensionality and attune to their higher consciousness and true potential towards self mastery.

In our workshops, we lay the foundation, share teachings, and hold group healing and transmission sessions to help you awaken your multidimensionality and attune to purposeful and guided living.

Explore our workshops, teachings, and resources designed to support your journey of spiritual and conscious evolution. Discover how you can embody your true self potential and contribute to the manifestation of a New Earth as a co-creator and leader and alchemise your soul on the way.

A multidimensional life awaits us all. We are all masters-in-training in this forever journey led by our inner wisdom and heart connection. I am looking forward to share, lead and co-create with you all, as a community.
Nusra Sahin
Author, Teacher & Founder

A Brief Video About Us

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A New Earth, A New Paradigm and A New Human

Earth Mother has evolved, embodying her creator nature. What does it mean for us? Firstly, we are welcoming a new paradigm, a paradigm of constant updates, creative flux and new human potential -multidimensionality.
Awakening our multidimensional aspect will help us to align with the changing paradigm smoothly and as it is in the core of our New Earth reality. This aspect is also key to our alchemical process towards becoming our divine selves.
Explore more in our Free Course including a mini-ebook, a masterclass and a guided meditation.

Sacred Wisdom Series

Enroll in our Sacred Wisdom course to connect with teachings from higher guides. Discover how to awaken your inner wisdom and integrate these insights into your daily life and planetary service.

on Sacred Knowledge

Meditations with Higher Teachers

Multidimensional Way for your Inner Wisdom



the multidimensional way

Embrace and manifest your soul's project with creativity and leadership

Session 1 - AWAKEN your multidimensionality
Session 2 - ATTUNE to New Earth Consciousness
Session 3 - EMBRACE your role and soul mission
Session 4 - DREAM your project
Session 5 - EMBODY your dream
Session 6 - CREATE as an alchemist
Session 7 - MANIFEST with multidimensional techniques
Session 8 - ABUNDANCE with dragon energy
Session 9 - LEAD your path and NAVIGATE the unknown
Session 10 - Gratitude and Q&A
Session 11 & 12 - Group mentoring and co-creation circle

Membership Plan

MD Mastery

A community for multidimensional evolution and self-mastery

In our special online learning space, we gratefully access an exceptional portal. It's a lively hub of transformation, creativity and wisdom, echoing with the divine essence of Sophia.

This sacred sphere acts like a gentle cradle, where the minds in the presence of higher teachers are awakened and thrive.

Multidimensionality helps you lift your barriers and shows you how to access your higher consciousness.

MD Mastery membership is for all levels to experience the healing and evolution in an elevated, high frequency and vibrational sacred space.
With our multidimensional journeys, we create a unique experience for you to evolve. We prepare for your role as leaders and creators of the grand rising of a new humankind.
  • Wisdom and energy field of the School's multidimensional mastery portal -attributed to the Cosmic Mother Spirit and Avalokitesvera lineage
  • Bi-weekly group sessions
  • Community forum
  • Includes our Foundation Courses
  • Discounts for workshops and 1:1 sessions
  • Course Library

Our On-Demand Courses

Our students love us

This teaching offered by Nusra Sahin is very valuable in my mission to lead people to awakening of who they really are and to envision and create New Earth from a higher aspect of themselves where manifestation begins. The Multidimensional Consciousness System would help anyone who, like me, has found or wants to find their own unique mission in this time of so much transition. We all need to manifest our heart’s desires for the world and all living beings in it. 
Janice COYLE
Founder, New Earth Visioning Project
Nusra has provided me with the safe space and guidance I have needed to further delve into my multidimensionality. She guides me into deeper knowing of what is within my heart and has enhanced my ability to consciously connect with other multidimensional beings. I have found that my heart center is more open and I stand more fully in my power as a creator. Nusra's knowledge and courses guide and aid you to step more fully into your own authority as a sovereign being. 
Rikki ADAMS,
MBA, Reiki HealeR
I read Nusra's book titled Multidimensional Consciousness and the New Earth, which explores the possibility of connecting with higher realms and using this in your daily life. I also attended an online course in which she helps people put the techniques from the book into practice. Nusra's compassion and her genuine desire to help humanity shines through in every encounter she has with her students and mediation groups. I have found this hugely beneficial in my own spiritual practice.
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